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Debugging Coordinated Restore at Checkpoint Failures

This guide will help you identify common problems that can occur in the current version of CRaC, when the checkpoint operation does not work.

CRaC is currently in an early stage and is being continuously improved. Some of the problems presented here, will be solved in the framework itself at a later point.

Failures in Native Checkpoint or Restore

When the checkpoint operation fails in the native part, there is usually little information in the stack trace of the exception:

CR: Checkpoint ... JVM: invalid info for restore provided: queued code -1 Exception in thread "main" jdk.crac.CheckpointException at java.base/jdk.crac.Core.checkpointRestore1( at java.base/jdk.crac.Core.checkpointRestore( at java.base/jdk.crac.Core.checkpointRestore( at Main.main(

Currently, the creating and restore of checkpoints depends on the CRIU project, particularly on the CRaC fork. This requires extensive privileges (capabilities) and therefore usually runs as root granted through the SUID bit. Therefore, you first need to check whether this is true:

$ ls -la $JAVA_HOME/lib/criu -rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 6347736 Mar 24 16:33 /opt/openjdk-17-crac+5_linux-x64/lib/criu ^ ^ | Check that the file is owned by the root user Check that the SUID bit is set

If this is not the case, you need to update it with the following commands:

sudo chown root:root /path/to/criu sudo chmod u+s /path/to/criu

This might not be sufficient if Java is running in a container; checkpoint requires running it with the --privileged flag (or --cap-add all). Restore can be executed without these privileges under root user.

When you confirm that this is set correctly but the checkpoint still fails, you can get additional insight from the dump4.log file located in the image directory (-XX:CRaCCheckpointTo).

File Descriptors in Java Code

Before the checkpoint can be created, the application has to isolate itself from the outer world: this means closing all file descriptors except the standard input, output and error, and few other (e.g. pointing to JDK or files on the classpath). If the application fails to do, the checkpoint fails with an exception like below:

Exception in thread "main" jdk.crac.CheckpointException at java.base/jdk.crac.Core.checkpointRestore1( at java.base/jdk.crac.Core.checkpointRestore( at java.base/jdk.crac.Core.checkpointRestore( at ... (application code) Suppressed: jdk.crac.impl.CheckpointOpenFileException: FileDescriptor 4 left open: /foo/bar (regular) Use -Djdk.crac.collect-fd-stacktraces=true to find the source. at java.base/ at java.base/$Resource.beforeCheckpoint( at java.base/jdk.crac.impl.PriorityContext$SubContext.invokeBeforeCheckpoint( at java.base/jdk.crac.impl.OrderedContext.runBeforeCheckpoint( at java.base/jdk.crac.impl.AbstractContextImpl.beforeCheckpoint( at java.base/jdk.crac.impl.AbstractContextImpl.invokeBeforeCheckpoint( at java.base/jdk.crac.impl.PriorityContext.runBeforeCheckpoint( at java.base/jdk.crac.impl.AbstractContextImpl.beforeCheckpoint( at java.base/jdk.internal.crac.JDKContext.beforeCheckpoint( at java.base/jdk.crac.impl.AbstractContextImpl.invokeBeforeCheckpoint( at java.base/jdk.crac.impl.OrderedContext.runBeforeCheckpoint( at java.base/jdk.crac.impl.AbstractContextImpl.beforeCheckpoint( at java.base/jdk.crac.Core.checkpointRestore1( ... 5 more

The top level CheckpointException wraps all problems as its suppressed exceptions. Here we can see that having file /foo/bar open as FileDescriptor 4 prevents the checkpoint but unless we know what part of the application opens this file there is not anything actionable. Therefore, we will run this with -Djdk.crac.collect-fd-stacktraces=true as the exception message suggests:

Exception in thread "main" jdk.crac.CheckpointException at java.base/jdk.crac.Core.checkpointRestore1( at java.base/jdk.crac.Core.checkpointRestore( at java.base/jdk.crac.Core.checkpointRestore( at ... (application code) Suppressed: jdk.crac.impl.CheckpointOpenFileException: FileDescriptor 4 left open: /etc/passwd (regular) at java.base/ at java.base/$Resource.beforeCheckpoint( at java.base/jdk.crac.impl.PriorityContext$SubContext.invokeBeforeCheckpoint( at java.base/jdk.crac.impl.OrderedContext.runBeforeCheckpoint( at java.base/jdk.crac.impl.AbstractContextImpl.beforeCheckpoint( at java.base/jdk.crac.impl.AbstractContextImpl.invokeBeforeCheckpoint( at java.base/jdk.crac.impl.PriorityContext.runBeforeCheckpoint( at java.base/jdk.crac.impl.AbstractContextImpl.beforeCheckpoint( at java.base/jdk.internal.crac.JDKContext.beforeCheckpoint( at java.base/jdk.crac.impl.AbstractContextImpl.invokeBeforeCheckpoint( at java.base/jdk.crac.impl.OrderedContext.runBeforeCheckpoint( at java.base/jdk.crac.impl.AbstractContextImpl.beforeCheckpoint( at java.base/jdk.crac.Core.checkpointRestore1( ... 5 more Caused by: java.lang.Exception: This file descriptor was created by main at epoch:1684328308663 here at java.base/$Resource.<init>( at java.base/<init>( at java.base/<init>( at java.base/<init>( at java.base/<init>( at ... (application code calling new FileReader("/foo/bar") ) ... 2 more

The cause is recorded when the FileDescriptor is opened. The message shows the thread name (main) and epoch timestamp. Some FileDescriptors are open early during the VM initialization when it is not possible to format the timestamp to a human-readable format. This information can help you identify the component that does not close the FileDescriptor during checkpoint.

File Descriptors in Native Code

When the file descriptor is opened without assisting FileDescriptor instance, CRaC still discovers this before the checkpoint but won’t display any stack trace:

Exception in thread "main" jdk.crac.CheckpointException at java.base/jdk.crac.Core.checkpointRestore1( at java.base/jdk.crac.Core.checkpointRestore( at java.base/jdk.crac.Core.checkpointRestore( at ... (application code) Suppressed: jdk.crac.impl.CheckpointOpenResourceException: FD fd=4 type=fifo path=pipe:[8953321] at java.base/jdk.crac.Core.translateJVMExceptions( at java.base/jdk.crac.Core.checkpointRestore1( ... 5 more

In this case, you need to find the source of the syscall returning the new file descriptor in native code. One tool that can help, is strace:

strace -f -o /tmp/strace.txt java ...

This will follow forking process/thread (-f) and store the log in /tmp/strace.txt. With this approach, in the following example, you can find that FileDescriptors 4 and 5 were created through the pipe2 syscall:

1204483 pipe2([4, 5], 0) = 0 1204483 fcntl(4, F_GETFL) = 0 (flags O_RDONLY) 1204483 fcntl(4, F_SETFL, O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK) = 0 1204483 fcntl(5, F_GETFL) = 0x1 (flags O_WRONLY) 1204483 fcntl(5, F_SETFL, O_WRONLY|O_NONBLOCK) = 0

Other common system calls that are opening file descriptors are e.g. openat, dup or dup2. By running strace once more, with filtering only one syscall (-e pipe2), and recording stacks (-k):

strace -f -o /tmp/strace.txt -e pipe2 -k java ... 1204650 pipe2([4, 5], 0) = 0 > /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x11522d] > /path/to/my/jdk/lib/ [0x84bf] > unexpected_backtracing_error [0x7f2f1140f6cb]

This result shows that the pipe method was called from In this example, using a debug build of JDK which still has symbols, we can find the function with address 0x84bf:

objdump -d --start-address 0x84bf /path/to/my/jdk/lib/ | head /path/to/my/jdk/lib/ file format elf64-x86-64 Disassembly of section .text: 00000000000084bf <Java_sun_nio_ch_IOUtil_makePipe+0x1f>: 84bf: 85 c0 test %eax,%eax 84c1: 0f 88 c1 00 00 00 js 8588 <Java_sun_nio_ch_IOUtil_makePipe+0xe8> 84c7: 44 8b 65 d8 mov -0x28(%rbp),%r12d

Here we can track down the invocation to native method makePipe() in You can debug your application putting a breakpoint on that method and find the rest of the Java call stack, or manually check all the usages.

Restore Conflict of PIDs

Errors can also happen during restore. While on baremetal the deployment PIDs usually don’t clash, in containers starting from PID 1, this is more likely. Such an error looks like this:

Error (criu/cr-restore.c:1506): Can't fork for 9: File exists Error (criu/cr-restore.c:2593): Restoring FAILED.

The message is a bit misleading: the error is not related to files. In this example, CRIU tried to restore a process or thread with PID 9 but found that there is already an existing process/thread with this PID. If you check ps faux it’s possible that you won’t find that process - the restore itself spins up some processes that could clash and die due to unsuccessful restore. If the clash happens due to restoring a process, it might be sufficient to attempt the restore several times, until there is no conflict.

The error above should not be confused with another one:

Error (criu/cr-restore.c:1506): Can't fork for 9: Read-only file system Error (criu/cr-restore.c:2593): Restoring FAILED. Error (criu/cr-restore.c:1823): Pid 20 do not match expected 9

This is rather a sign that CRIU has insufficient privileges to write into ns_last_pid and/or call clone3, a syscall forking the process with a specific PID. CRIU can work around the missing permissions if it can cycle up to the desired PID, but if it is lower than the current PID, it won’t cycle through the full range set in the operating system.

One trick that can be used in containers is to ensure that before the checkpoint, PIDs are higher than anything needed for the restore, either writing /proc/sys/kernel/ns_last_pid or cycling dummy processes until ns_last_pid is higher than the required value (128 might be a good starting point).

Further Debugging of Restore

By default, CRIU is configured during restore to write its log into standard output with errors-only verbosity level (1). You can use VM option -XX:CREngine=criuengine,verbosity=4,log-file=/path/to/log.txt to create debug-level (4) output by passing those options to CRIU.