Using the Azul Intelligence Cloud Agent
The Intelligence Cloud Agent is an optional component that enables Intelligence Cloud functionality with older versions of Azul, as well as non-Azul JVMs.
Use Azul Intelligence Cloud Agent when:
You do not know what JVM you are using.
You are using a JVM from a different vendor than Azul.
You are using an Azul JVM from before 2023.
You don’t need the Azul Intelligence Cloud Agent when:
You are using an Azul JVM from 2023 or more recent.
The Intelligence Cloud Agent is designed for wide compatibility and doesn’t conflict with natively-supported versions of the Azul JVM.
Provided Features
By using the Azul Intelligence Cloud Agent, the following features of Azul Vulnerability Detection become available:
JVM Inventory: Get a list of running JVM instances.
Vulnerability detection: Get a report of the detected vulnerabilities.
Component Inventory: Get an overview of the dependencies and versions.
Supported Platforms
The Azul Intelligence Cloud Agent is supported in Java 8 through 22 and is independent of the Operating System or CPU architecture.
Installation and Usage Instructions
Download the latest version of the Azul Intelligence Cloud Agent.
You can check ic-agent.json for a list of available downloads.
You can also download the agent from the Web UI > Settings > Agent.
Put the agent to an easy to locate directory on the systems where you run your Java applications, e.g.
. In the following examples, this directory is referred as${AGENTDIR}
Configure Security Manager
Most Java applications do not use the SecurityManager, which was deprecated in Java 17. Some older applications that use the SecurityManager may need the following policy configuration:
grant codeBase "jar:file:${AGENTDIR}/ic-agent-accessor.jar!/" {
grant codeBase "jar:file:${AGENTDIR}/ic-agent.jar!/" {
Export Agent in Startup Options
Export the following startup options on your runtime environment to attach the Intelligence Cloud Agent to your application.
export JDK_JAVA_OPTIONS="-javaagent:${AGENTDIR}/ic-agent.jar=accessor=${AGENTDIR}/ic-agent-accessor.jar \
-DaagentDir=${AGENTDIR} \${AGENTDIR}/agent.all.policy"
You can configure the behaviour of the agent further in detail, see CRS Arguments.