JFR Settings Files
Table of Contents
Use Java Flight Recorder (JFR) setting files (.jfc
) to specify the event and control configuration. Check the JFR Command Line Options to understand how such a setting file can be used.
For instance, to change the settings file for a running recording:
jcmd <PID> JFR.config settings=my-config.jfc
Provided Settings Files
By default, Flight Recorder uses the settings defined in <java_home>/lib/jfr/default.jfc
which gives a good balance between data and performance. In the same directory, you can find a second configuration profile.jfc
which records more events and is useful while profiling an application.
You can also create a copy of one these files and create your own configuration, e.g. my-config.jfc
Generating a Custom Settings File
As of JDK 19, it’s strongly encouraged to use the jfr configure utility to create a custom settings file.
$ jfr configure --interactive
============== .jfc Configuration Wizard ============
This wizard will generate a JFR configuration file by
asking 12 questions. Press ENTER to use the default
value, or type Q to abort the wizard.
Garbage Collector: Normal (default)
1. Off
2. Normal
3. Detailed
4. High, incl. TLABs/PLABs (may cause many events)
5. All, incl. Heap Statistics (may cause long GCs)