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Azul Mission Control 8.3.1

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April 26, 2023

Azul Mission Control is a fully-tested build of JDK Mission Control open-sourced by Oracle and managed as a project under the OpenJDK umbrella.

Community builds of Azul Mission Control are free to download and use without restrictions.

What’s new

  • This April 2023 release of Azul Mission Control 8.3.1 incorporates all the critical security fixes aligned with the JDK Mission Control 8.3.1 General-Availability April 2023 Release.

Installation Instructions

If you get an alert that states A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK) must be available in order to run JMC or Failed to create the Java Virtual Machine, you need to update your Java runtime.

Azul Mission Control 8.1.0 and newer, requires OpenJDK 11 and later. However, it supports Java Management Console (JMX) monitoring and Java Flight Recorder (JFR) profiling of JVMs (JDK 7u40 and later) on any supported platform.

Known issues

Issue ID Description


Unable to perform flight recordings on jLinked applications


Unable to edit eclipse project run configurations after installing JMC plugins on Linux


JMC wrongly attaches itself with other (unsupported) JVMs


Unable to open JMX Console after installing plugins in macOS and Linux


Stacktrace graph views are not shown on Windows


Unable to install JMC Plugins on Eclipse 4.25