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Installing Optimizer Hub on Microsoft Azure

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To install Optimizer Hub on Azure, follow the general Kubernetes instructions. This document provides additional configurations specific for Azure.

Configuring Azure Blob Storage

Following Helm values activate Azure Blob Storage. Currently, the default configuration uses MinIO which is deployed as part of Optimizer Hub.

storage: blobStorageService: azure-blob azureBlob: endpoint: https://{yourendpoint} container: {your-container} authMethod: {method} # sas-token, connection-string, or default-credentials
  • When using authMethod:sas-token:

    secrets: azure: blobStorage: sasToken: "{your-token}"
  • When using authMethod:connection-string:

    secrets: azure: blobStorage: connectionString: "{your-connection-string}"

Storage for ReadyNow Orchestrator

You can limit the usage of persistent storage by ReadyNow Orchestrator with the appropriate settings.