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Installing Optimizer Hub on Google Cloud

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To install Optimizer Hub on Google Cloud, please follow the instructions on Installing Optimizer Hub on Kubernetes.

If you want to install Optimizer Hub on Google Cloud with S3 compatibility mode, instead of the builtin storage pod, you need the following additional settings.

Configuring Storage

Use the S3 compatible storage and specify a bucket name in your values-override.yaml:

storage: blobStorageService: s3 s3: commonBucket: opthub-storage0

Configuring Compile Broker

Add the following extraArgumentsMap section under compileBroker in your values-override.yaml:

compileBroker: extraArgumentsMap: "quarkus.s3.endpoint-override": "" "": static "": "{your access key}" "": "{your secret key}"

Configuring Gateway

Add the following extraArgumentsMap section gateway in your values-override.yaml:

gateway: extraArgumentsMap: "quarkus.s3.endpoint-override": "" "": static "": "{your access key}" "": "{your secret key}"

Configuring Cache

Add the following extraArgumentsMap section cache in your values-override.yaml:

cache: extraArgumentsMap: "quarkus.s3.endpoint-override": "" "": static "": "{your access key}" "": "{your secret key}"