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Upgrading Optimizer Hub

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Upgrade an existing Optimizer Hub installation to a newer version with the following commands:

helm repo update helm upgrade opthub opthub-helm/azul-opthub -n my-opthub -f values-override.yaml kubectl get all -n my-opthub

When upgrading an existing Optimizer Hub installation, make sure to validate your values-override.yaml file, as parameters might have changed.

Changed Values in 1.8

In Optimizer Hub 1.8, all major artifacts and command line switches use the updated branding. This includes, but is not limited to:

If you are using release 1.7 and earlier, all of the previous spellings of artifacts still work. Additionally, all of the pre-1.8 command-line arguments continue to work for a period of one year from the release of 1.8.

Upgrade From Specific Versions

From Version 1.7.0

If you are upgrading from versions prior to 1.7.0, and you are using a custom values.yaml file with parameters for the storage component, rename the yaml block from storage to builtinStorage. For example:


storage: persistentDataVolume: enabled: true size: "200Gi" storageClassName: ""


builtinStorage: persistentDataVolume: enabled: true size: "200Gi" storageClassName: ""

From Version 1.6.1

If you are upgrading from version 1.6.1 with persistent storage, follow these steps before running the helm upgrade:

  1. Connect into the storage pod:

    kubectl exec --stdin --tty storage-0 -- /bin/sh
  2. Inside the pod run the following command to change permissions:

    chown -R 10001 /data && chmod u+rxw /data
  3. After the chmod command is completed, you can exit the pod shell with ctrl-d and continue with the helm upgrade.