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Native Memory Tracking

Native Memory Tracking (NMT) is an analysis tool which allows you to investigate internal memory usage of Java applications in Azul Zing Builds of OpenJDK (Zing). NMT is meant to be a temporary monitoring tool which allows you to monitor and diagnose memory-related issues within the JVM as it helps you to understand how the JVM allocates memory for various internal structures and other areas. NMT is helpful in determining if your increased memory usage is caused by any particular JVM component or by any native libraries hidden within your jar files.

Enable Native Memory Tracking

Command-line Options

To enable Native Memory Tracking, use the command-line option -XX:NativeMemoryTracking with summary or detail:

java -XX:NativeMemoryTracking=summary

To print out the statistics to stdout at the end of the run, add -XX:+PrintNMTStatistics:

java -XX:+PrintNMTStatistics -XX:NativeMemoryTracking=summary

Extended Mode

Extended NMT covers most of the allocations inside Compared to OpenJDK, which only provides HotSpot allocation coverage (inside, Zing provides full coverage of the malloc allocations in the process. On top of this, Zing provides coverage of memory allocated via mmap() from code outside libjvm. Extended NMT is enabled by default with NMT and requires no extra configuration.

Extended Mode in Older Versions of Zing

Extended NMT is available from Zing However, if you are using a Zing release from and or 23.02.400, you must use LD_PRELOAD to enable extended NMT by exporting LD_PRELOAD in addition to the regular NMT flags as shown above.

export LD_PRELOAD=$JAVA_HOME/etc/zing/lib/
The output formats and command line flags are identical for normal and extended NMT.

When the LD_PRELOAD variable is exported, all Java processes run with extended NMT. As jcmd is also a Java process, jcmd gives the following output:

Detected in LD_PRELOAD. Adding implicit flag -XX:NativeMemoryTracking=summary for consistency. To avoid this warning enable NMT explicitly or remove from LD_PRELOAD.

This means jcmd itself is running with NMT-summary and this can be misleading.

Only applications should be launched with LD_PRELOAD, not jcmd.

Use the following command to remove the exported 'LD_PRELOAD`:


Periodic NMT Logging

Periodic NMT logging is a diagnostic feature available from Zing 24.08. With this feature, you can output NMT logs to the NMT output folder periodically. Since periodic NMT logging is a diagnostic feature, you must first unlock diagnostic VM Options using -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions.

To specify the output directory for NMT logs, use -XX:PrintNMTStatisticsRoot=<dir_name>. Setting this option enables periodic dumping.

To specify the interval for printing the new report to the directory, use -XX:PrintNMTStatisticsAtIntervalSec=<interval in seconds>. The default value is 10 sec.

Example settings for periodic NMT logging:

java -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:NativeMemoryTracking=summary -XX:PrintNMTStatisticsRoot=nmt -XX:PrintNMTStatisticsAtIntervalSec=20 Main

Native Memory Tracking Pre-Header

For tracking purposes, NMT puts 16 extra bytes before and 2 after every allocation. This is used for metadata and buffer overrun/underrun checks.

+-----------+---------....---------+--------+ | header | user | can | | | allocation | ary | +-----------+---------....---------+--------+ | 16 bytes | user size | 2 byte |

Results of Native Memory Tracking

The NMT summary report appears in several places:

Summary Information Provided by Native Memory Tracking

The summary level of tracking provides basic information about the following native memory allocations:

Category Amount of the native memory allocated for

Java Heap

Java Heap

The committed portion displays the Xmx value.


Application classes


Application threads


Code being executed


Garbage Collector


Compiler operations

Compiler Runtime

Code profiles




Unsafe API


Internal allocations


Unsafe API without LD_PRELOAD

It also contains all allocations from the process intercepted by the LD_PRELOADE library (except Falcon allocations going to Compiler).


Table of symbols

Native Memory Tracking

Native Memory Tracking overhead

Arena Chunk

Arena-managed chunk


Profilers (like TickProfiler and JFR)


Unified and other logging


Processing arguments


Managing Java modules


Synchronization primitives inside VM (like semaphores, monitors, mutexes)


Unspecified allocations. You can expect to not see Unknown memory on any real reports. Unknown memory is only used internally.

If a given category has no allocations during the run, it is not listed in the report.

Example Summary Report

When the LD_PRELOAD variable is exported, more info is provided in the Compiler and Other category, resulting in bigger numbers.
Native Memory Tracking: Total: reserved=6517912398974, committed=1162447998 malloc: 54123646 #27990 mmap: reserved=6517858275328, committed=1108324352 - Java Heap (reserved=1082331758592, committed=1052770304) (mmap: reserved=1082331758592, committed=1052770304) - Class (reserved=5221924, committed=5221924) (classes #509) ( instance classes #436, array classes #73) (malloc=5221924 #27) (peak=5222596 #74) - Thread (reserved=94458232, committed=2990456) (threads #44) (stack: reserved=94371840, committed=2904064) (malloc=17512 #228) (peak=17688 #231) (arena=68880 #70) (peak=461584 #2) - Code (reserved=38538919, committed=38538919) (malloc=4984487 #1244) (peak=9175117 #1173) (mmap: reserved=33554432, committed=33554432) - GC (reserved=5418119861538, committed=18765090) (malloc=18617634 #383) (at peak) (mmap: reserved=5418101243904, committed=147456) - Compiler (reserved=16432737, committed=16432737) (malloc=16150089 #15707) (at peak) (arena=282648 #21) (peak=7496952 #27) - Compiler Runtime (reserved=104928, committed=104928) (malloc=104928 #74) (peak=109316 #67) - Internal (reserved=17297885663, committed=19487199) (malloc=539103 #4735) (peak=541123 #4751) (mmap: reserved=17297346560, committed=18948096) - Other (reserved=167361, committed=167361) (malloc=167361 #499) (peak=169137 #503) - Symbol (reserved=5945016, committed=5945016) (malloc=5945016 #47) (at peak) - Native Memory Tracking (reserved=774976, committed=774976) (malloc=327120 #3738) (peak=327208 #3739) (tracking overhead=447856) - Arena Chunk (reserved=1117320, committed=1117320) (malloc=1117320 #116) (peak=7758400 #121) - Tracing (reserved=2320, committed=2320) (malloc=2320 #7) (at peak) - Logging (reserved=5004, committed=5004) (malloc=5004 #210) (at peak) - Arguments (reserved=7426, committed=7426) (malloc=7426 #124) (at peak) - Module (reserved=69576, committed=69576) (malloc=69576 #208) (at peak) - Synchronization (reserved=47360, committed=47360) (malloc=47360 #639) (peak=47544 #641) - Serviceability (reserved=82, committed=82) (malloc=82 #4) (at peak)

When the LD_PRELOAD variable is not exported, this report starts with the following message:

Info: To make this report more precise add "export LD_PRELOAD=$JAVA_HOME/etc/zing/lib/" to the environment of Azul Prime JVM.

Detail Information Provided by Native Memory Tracking

The detail level of tracking provides the same output as the summary level, but adds a per-call site report with stack traces and info about mmaps (reserved regions and committed memory inside them).

Example Detail Report

Native Memory Tracking: Total: reserved=6517912398974, committed=1162447998 malloc: 54123646 #27990 mmap: reserved=6517858275328, committed=1108324352 - Java Heap (reserved=1082331758592, committed=1052770304) (mmap: reserved=1082331758592, committed=1052770304) # ... other categories identical to summary report Virtual memory map: [0x0000691d00000000 - 0x00006e0000000000] reserved 5373004087296 for GC from [0x00007ff717f4b053] GPGC_Heap::setup_memory_for_java_heap_structures()+0x53 [0x00007ff717f4f63f] GPGC_Heap::initialize()+0x7bf [0x00007ff7186dd57a] Universe::initialize_heap()+0x3a [0x00007ff7186dd702] universe_init()+0x102 [0x00007ff49717b000 - 0x00007ff49737b000] reserved 2097152 for Thread Stack from [0x00007ff718a712e5] JavaThread::run()+0x25 [0x00007ff718c69300] _start_thread+0x100 [0x00007ff71b236cd6] preRun+0x4f [0x00007ff71ac36ea5] start_thread+0xc5 [0x00007ff49717b000 - 0x00007ff497194000] committed 102400 from [0x00007ff718c7d01c] os::create_stack_guard_pages(char*, unsigned long)+0x5c [0x00007ff718a51991] Thread::create_stack_guard_pages()+0x91 [0x00007ff718a712fe] JavaThread::run()+0x3e [0x00007ff718c69300] _start_thread+0x100 [0x00007ff497379000 - 0x00007ff49737b000] committed 8192 [0x00007ff717dc4e86] debuginfo::builder::ScopeBuilder::make_compressed(CommonAsm*, GrowableArray<long>*)+0x3c6 [0x00007ff717dc9f5a] debuginfo::builder::DebugMapBuilder::build_debugMap(CommonAsm*)+0xf5a [0x00007ff717dca3c6] CommonAsm::bake_into_codeOop(methodHandle, int, CodeProfile const*, bool, osr_bci_list&&, Thread*)+0x206 [0x00007ff718248927] ciEnv::register_method(ciMethod*, MacroAssembler*, CodeProfile**, ByteSize, Label&, bool, GrowableArray<int> const&)+0x267 (malloc=10440 type=Code #145) [0x00007ff718b6d9b0] BasicHashtable<(MEMFLAGS)1>::new_entry(unsigned int)+0x70 [0x00007ff718b6e111] Hashtable<klassOopDesc*, (MEMFLAGS)1>::new_entry(unsigned int, klassOopDesc*)+0x11 [0x00007ff7182fde23] Dictionary::new_entry(unsigned int, klassOopDesc*, oopDesc*)+0x23 [0x00007ff7182fe2ea] Dictionary::add_klass(symbolHandle, Handle, KlassHandle)+0x12a (malloc=44000 type=Class #1) [0x00007ff717f24551] GPGC_GCManagerNewStrong::initialize()+0x351 [0x00007ff717f48c05] GPGC_Heap::post_initialize()+0x45 [0x00007ff7186e1d15] universe_post_init()+0x1c15 [0x00007ff7189a2a15] init_globals()+0xd5 (malloc=6912 type=GC #18) ...

Baseline and Diffs

When your application is running (after warmup of the application), you can set a baseline of native memory usage. When you have established this baseline, you can request a diff at any time to compare your current native memory usage with your baseline. This is a useful way to detect any memory leaks.

To set a baseline, use:

jcmd <pid> VM.native_memory baseline

To perform a diff at summary level, use:

jcmd <pid> VM.native_memory summary.diff

To perform a diff at detail level, use:

jcmd <pid> VM.native_memory detail.diff

Analyzing in GCLogAnalyzer

Use the GCLogAnalyzer tool to visualize and plot the NMT results for both normal and extended modes.

gcla nmt