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Get Started with Azul Platform Prime from a tar.gz Archive

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These instructions introduce you to the quick and easy process to try Azul Platform Prime from a tar.gz archive.

Our software distributions are signed by an OpenPGP key when appropriate. To verify your download, see Product Signing Keys (OpenPGP) for details.

Downloading an Azul Platform Prime Stream Build

Stream Builds are produced once a month, do not receive any security backports, and are free for development and evaluation. By downloading Stream Builds, you agree to the Azul Platform Prime Evaluation Agreement. For more information, see the Azul Platform Prime Roadmap.

Download the latest Stream Builds of Azul Platform Prime on our Azul Platform Prime downloads page.

Downloading an Azul Platform Prime Stable Build

Stable Builds require a license for use, contain only critical fix backports, and are produced on an ongoing basis. Download the build from the Azul Platform Prime Customer Downloads page.

Uncompressing the Azul Platform Prime Archive

  1. Uncompress the downloaded tar.gz archive on the host machine where the Java applications will be run:

    tar xzvf zing<prime_version>-<jdk_version>.tar.gz
    The gzip and tar utilities are required to install the ZVM tar.gz archive on Linux host platforms.
  2. Verify that the Azul Zing Build of OpenJDK is successfully unpacked:

    /<uncompressed_prime_archive_directory>/bin/java -version

    The output should look similar to the snippet below:

    java version "1.8.0-zing_21.06.0.0" Zing Runtime Environment for Java Applications (build 1.8.0-zing_21.06.0.0-b3) Zing 64-Bit Tiered VM (build 1.8.0-zing_121.06.0.0-b4-product-linux-X86_64, mixed mode)